Big Hearts Home Care is a residential care home licensed by the Minnesota Department of Health. Big Hearts Home Care is accepting residents in its residential care home in a quiet and centrally located part of SE Minneapolis, MN. We are located in a vibrant community that is close to Hennepin County Medical Center and surrounded by walking trails, parks, and an ample amount of community spaces for residents to enjoy. We currently have 2 private spacious bedrooms available.
Our Mission
It is our responsibility to ensure the overall wellness and safety of the residents in our facility. With that, we must show respect, compassion, and professionalism while we attend to their needs. We must show them that they are loved and valued and can achieve joy and independence despite their age and health situation.
Our Vision
As an assisted living home, we hope that we will be able to help individuals and families attain comfort and relief from their health and care issues. We hope that we can motivate them to move forward and reach betterment as we are here to support them in any way we can.
Keep in Touch
Learn more about us and our services by contacting us.